When you see certain company logos, you know the image indicates a particular brand. Think of your favorite fast-food place, beverage or discount store. They all have identifiable logos. One of your goals in business is to stand out in a crowd. Even organizations, clubs and family groups want to stand out with captivating identifiers.
When It Works
A well-designed logo is a beautiful thing. Color, balance and design works together to create a memorable identifier that speaks to your business or group. Get one thing wrong and the entire logo can look like a hot mess.
The colors need to work together. Your business or group may have specific colors already and if you do not have them, this is something you may want to consider. Knowing which colors work well side by side can be tricky. Some colors may not be suitable for the unique message you want to get across with your logo.
Balancing the elements of the logo is another critical factor to a well-designed image. Perspective, placement and size all matter when creating the perfect logo. Get it right and you will have a memorable image. This is something you do not want to get wrong.
The design of your logo should be eye-catching but not just for the sake of standing out. You also want the design to say something about your business or group without looking too busy or gaudy. A well-designed image is simple and fresh.
Saying It All In an Image
The creator of well-known logos for IBM, ABC, Westinghouse and other brands, Paul Rand, said this: “If, in the business of communications, ‘image is king,’ the essence of this image, the logo, is the jewel in its crown.” Mr. Rand has been considered one of the most important graphic designers of all time. Many graphic artists see his work as the standard in the field.
What image do you want your business or group to put forth? What is the “jewel” in the crown of your image? Say what you need to say with a well-designed logo.
K&S Sportswear, LLC will help get your image noticed. We offer embroidery, screen printing and promotional items to help you get noticed. Contact us today for more information.